Giving Options

We Couldn’t do this without you!
Your donation empowers women in making confident and healthy life choices. Because of your generosity, we can offer vital hope and help to women and men when they need it most.
Give Online
Give once or become a monthly supporter. Either way, you’re making a difference!
Other Ways to Give
You can also give through workplace giving, tribute funds, corporate matching, and adding Next Step to your will.
Give Stock or Crypto
Click here to donate stock or crypto currency to Next Step. All transaction are secure and benefit Next Step directly.
As a 501(c)3 organization, all donations to Next Step are tax deductible. Next Step is a DBA name under Valley Crisis Pregnancy Center. Our Tax ID is 94-3071754.

As a 21 year-old working my way through school, when i found out i was pregnant i thought my life was over! With the help of the amazing staff members, I took hold of the hope i once had and came to realize my life and my son's life have an incredible purpose.
-Elle J., Next Step Client
Thank you for being her champion!