Joshua Michael Liu Memorial Scholarship

Celebrating The Sanctity of Life

Joshua Michael Liu was a child born with an anencephalic birth defect, which would be fatal shortly after his birth. However, because his parents cherished the value of all human life, no matter how brief that life is, they chose to honor him with the legacy of awarding an annual scholarship in his name to a student who also cherishes and values human life.

Thanks to our generous donors, Next Step is honored to present the Joshua Michael Liu Memorial Scholarship to local high school seniors.

For over 35 years, Next Step has empowered women to make confident and healthy life choices. This includes providing support to those who are facing unexpected pregnancies. This $500 scholarship underscores our passion to give back to the community and foster the value of a mother’s and child's lives to the next generation of young adults. 

Calling High School Seniors!

Scholarship Eligibility

To be eligible for this scholarship, the applicant must:

  • Be a high school senior graduating by June

  • Be a resident of local California communities:
    Pleasanton, San Ramon, Danville, Livermore, Dublin, or Alamo

  • Have a GPA of 3.0 or higher 

  • Value the lives of a mother and child 

  • Be an active member in the community or church

how to Apply

Application Process

  1. Write an essay about the importance of the sanctity of life today and what it means to you.

  2. Complete the application below. 

  3. Include your 1-2 page essay.

  4. Include your latest report card. 

Application Deadline

April 20, 2025 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time. The scholarship winner will be notified in May. 

​Have questions? Please email

Scholarship Application